
time updated:2018-08-28  Amount of access:53

Books borrowed from any of the libraries can be returned in one of the following circulations: service desk of 1st floor A&H Library, the 1st floor East Lobby of Science Library, the 1 st floor of Medical Library, the 1 st floor Middle of Zhangjiang Library, the 1 st floor of Jiangwan Library.  
Manual Borrowing and Returning Time: Monday to Friday 8:00-17:00 Sunday 9:00-16:00 
Self-help Borrowing and Returning Time: Monday to Sunday 8:00-22:00 

At other time, books can be returned to the Returning Boxes of every library. 
Books put in the Returning Box are returned on the morning of the next day and the books put in the Returning Box on Fridays and Saturdays are returned on the Sunday morning, though the books are considered returned the time when they have been put in the Returning Box. For example, if the book is put in the Returning Box on Thursday evening, it is considered returned on Thursday though the Returning Box is opened on Friday morning for returning.

If the book is due to be returned during the winter or summer vacation, the system will automatically defer the returning time up to school resuming. Please pay attention to the due date for returning books. 

Please be aware that books must be returned by the due date to ensure that other users have fair access to materials. 
