




 ICA/CDS第二次全体会议于19981019日至1022日在海牙举行。根据评论意见汇编,ISAD(G)修订了第一版草案。 草案首先面向会议成员发布,随后通过信函进一步完善。 在瑞典斯德哥尔摩召开的ICA/CDS第三次全体会议上,修订草案最终完成通过,并于2000年初被提交给20009月将在西班牙塞维利亚召开的第十四届国际档案大会。


Victoria Arias (西班牙)   


Elisa Carolina de Santos Canalejo 西班牙


Adrian Cunningham (澳大利亚)   


Jan Dahlin (瑞典)


Vitor Manoel Marques da Fonseca 巴西


Michael Fox (美国)


Ana Franqueira (葡萄牙


Bruno Galland (法国)


Kent Haworth (加拿大)


Ma Jinghua (中国)


Christine Nougaret,   (法国)主席


Dagmar Parer (澳大利亚)


Lydia Reid (美国)


Hugo Stibbe(加拿大) 项目总监、秘书


Stefano Vitali (意大利)   


Debra Wall (美国)



Asunción de Navascués Benlloch (西班牙)

Eeva Murtomaa (芬兰) 国际图联联络人

Per-Gunnar Ottosson (瑞典)



Archives de France  (巴黎)(两次)

Archivio di Stato di Firenze(意大利,佛罗伦萨)

Arquivos Nacionais / Torre do Tombo(葡萄牙,里斯本



The National Archives of Canada(加拿大,渥太华)赞助ICA著录标准第二个四年工作计划。



The ICA Ad Hoc Commission on Descriptive Standards (ICA/DDS), which developed ISAD(G), became a permanent committee at the ICA International Congress on Archives in Beijing, China, in 1996. The current Committee on Descriptive Standards (ICA/CDS) undertook the revision of ISAD(G) (Ottawa, 1994) as its primary task in its program for the 1996-2000 quadrennium.

This, the second edition of the ISAD(G), is the result of a revision process which was declared in the preface of the 1994 edition, where a five-year revision cycle was foreseen. The announcement to the international archival community for submitting comments for the revision was made early in 1998 in letters sent to all institutional and association members of the ICA, as well as to various relevant organizational units within ICA. The announcement was also posted to the ICA List and World Wide Web (WWW) site on the Internet. The deadline for comments was announced for 15 September 1998 with the aim of starting the revision work at the second plenary meeting of the committee.

At the end of September 1998 the Secretariat of the ICA/CDS had received approximately 33 submissions from national committees, organizations and individuals from 25 countries. The comments were compiled into a compendium of some 101 pages. The “Compendium of Comments ISAD(G) Review”, which was sent to all members of the Committee in advance, became the working document for the 2nd Plenary meeting of the ICA/CDS.

The ICA/CDS 2nd Plenary took place in The Hague 19-22 October 1998 where a first draft of the revised ISAD(G) was produced based on the comments submitted. This draft was circulated among the members and further refined by correspondence. The draft was finished at the 3rd Plenary of the Committee in Stockholm, Sweden and submitted for publication in early 2000 for the XIVth International Congress on Archives in Seville, Spain in September 2000.

The following are the members of the ICA Committee on Descriptive Standards who undertook the revision and served on the Committee during its 1996-2000 term. (Members’ names in italic continued from the ICA/DDS): Victoria Arias (Spain) 1996-1998 

Elisa Carolina de Santos Canalejo (Spain) 1998- 

Adrian Cunningham (Australia) 1998- 

Jan Dahlin (Sweden) 1996- 

Vitor Manoel Marques da Fonseca (Brazil) 

1996- Michael Fox (USA) 1996- 

Ana Franqueira (Portugal) 1996- 

Bruno Galland (France) 1996- 

Kent Haworth (Canada) 1996- 

Ma Jinghua (China) 1996- 

Christine Nougaret, (France) Chair 1996- 

Dagmar Parer (Australia) 1996-1998 

Lydia Reid (U.S.A.) 1999- 

Hugo Stibbe (Canada) Project Director and Secretary 1996- 

Stefano Vitali (Italy) 1996- 

Debra Wall (U.S.A.) 1996-1998 

Also attending one or more plenary meetings: 

Asunción de Navascués Benlloch (Spain)  

Eeva Murtomaa (Finland) IFLA liaison 

Per-Gunnar Ottosson (Sweden) 

The ICA Committee on Descriptive Standards (ICA/CDS) gratefully acknowledges the sponsorship of its plenary and sub-committee meetings by the following institutions: 

Archives de France (Paris) (twice) 

Archivio di Stato di Firenze (Florence, Italy) 

Arquivos Nacionais / Torre do Tombo (Lisbon, Portugal) 

Landsarkivet (Stockholm, Sweden) (twice) 

Rijksarchiefdienst (The Hague, Netherlands) 

The National Archives of Canada (Ottawa, Canada) which sponsored the Secretariat for a second quadrennium of ICA descriptive standards work. 

Without their substantial contributions, both financial and in facilities and logistics for organizing the meetings, this standard would not have been possible.

