“新时代国外优秀本科数学教材评价研究”课题 (第5.1章)



1 研究背景和研究意义

2 研究内容

3 研究思路和研究方法

4 数据搜集和清洗整理

5 60 本教材点评

5.1 微积分 4  

5.2 线性代数 4

5.3 概率论 6

5.4 常微分方程 6

5.5 实分析 4

5.6 复变函数和复分析 2

5.7 抽象代数 7

5.8 微分几何和黎曼几何 5

5.9 偏微分方程 6

5.10 拓扑学 5

5.11 数论 5

5.12 泛函分析 6

6 附录

6.1 国外数学本科教育 TOP10 大学分析报告

6.2 102 本经典教材国内收藏和保障情况分析报告


5.1 微积分 4 本




出版商:Publish or Perish





作者简介:Michael David Spivak是一位专门研究微分几何的美国数学家, Spivak是五卷本《微分几何综合概论》的作者。 Spivak1964年在约翰·米尔诺(John Milnor)的指导下从普林斯顿大学博士学位。1985年,他获得Leroy P. Steele奖。Spivak在基础物理学方面作过演讲。



This is the best Calculus textbook ever written.

Got that? If any of you want to champion some other book, you're itching for a fight.

Perhaps you'd like me to expand on that. Let me begin with some autobiography. I first studied calculus during my first year at the University of São Paulo, in Brazil. At that time, we didn't use a textbook; instead, we used references, and we used notes. The notes, prepared by one of the teachers, were small booklets (probably mimeographed — remember that?). The references were a variety of books that our professors felt could be consulted with profit. Among them was Spivak's Calculus. I didn't buy a copy, because I was fairly happy with the notes and with the books I already had. But the name stuck in my head.

A couple of months into the course, I was trolling the aisles of my favorite bookstore, and saw there a copy of the book. I think it was the first edition. It was definitely in soft covers, perhaps an edition for sale in third world markets. I remembered the name, bought the book, took it home, and set to reading it.

It was love at first sight. OK, I'll admit that I wasn't doing all — or even most — of the problems. (There are lots of very hard problems; instructors will be glad that there is an answer book.) But Spivak's account of what Calculus is all about, his careful but precise account of the theoretical underpinnings of the material, his chapter on the hard theorems (the ones that require an understanding of the completeness of the reals), his pictures, even his asides... this was calculus as an intellectual adventure, deep, compelling, and beautiful. I read the whole book, making my way far beyond what we had covered in class by that point. I even read, with some small level of understanding, the sections on complex analysis and the explanation of Dedekind cuts.

It will give you a measure of Spivak's impact on me to note that I took quite seriously the annotated suggested reading list given in the back, sought out many of those books, and even managed to read some of them.

I never forgot some bits of the book. Spivak's comment that mathematicians like to pretend that they can't even add, but most of them can when they have to (on page 179) stuck in my mind. I've used it in class many times. His chapter on integration in finite terms is another I remembered, and especially problem 7 in that chapter (described as Potpourri. No holds barred.). The treatment of power series also stuck to me, with the result that I've been a fan of series ever since.

This third edition is better than the one I read. Spivak has added, in particular, a careful account of how one can deduce Kepler's laws of planetary motion from Newton's laws of physics. This was, of course, one of the first applications of the calculus, and it is still one of the most impressive ones. Its inclusion is a definite improvement. Beyond that, there are very few changes, mostly corrections of small mistakes. The suggested reading list has not, alas, been updated, with the result that it now has a slightly antiquarian flavor: some of the books are out of print, and some, like tables of integrals, are best replaced by appropriate software tools.

But the core of the text is still the same. If you want a calculus textbook that does everything honestly but gently enough so that good first-year students can follow it, this is the one.

There is no multivariable calculus, which is a pity; I'd have loved to see what Spivak could do with that at this level. (His Calculus on Manifolds is, of course, a classic, but it is so terse as to be impenetrable for most students.)

I have used this text for the Honors Calculus course at Colby. Students find it very hard, as one might expect. But they also understand that they are getting the real thing, that they are being treated as intellectual adults. When I get to teach that course again, I'm sure I'll use it again. And maybe, if I'm lucky, a student or two will fall in love.








点评人:Fernando Q. Gouvêa(科尔比学院数学教授,获巴西圣保罗大学学士学位)


资料整理和翻译:孙华铱  冯远航 


Thomas’ calculus

作者:George B. Thomas, Jr.






作者简介:George B. Thomas, Jr.,麻省理工学院教授,在美国数学协会理事和美国工程教育学会数学分会执行委员会中均占有一席之地。 他的书《微积分和解析几何》于1951年首次出版,此后经历了多次修订。他还与人合著了有关数学的专著,包括《概率与统计》一书。



The cover image of a tree line on a snow-swept landscape, by the photographer Michael Kenna, was taken in Hokkaido, Japan. The artist was not thinking of calculus when he composed the image, but rather, of a visual haiku consisting of a few elements that would spark a viewer’s imagination. Similarly, the minimal design of this text allows the central ideas of calculus developed in this book to unfold to ignite the learner’s imagination.

Originally written in 1951 and revised, expanded, and modernized over the years, Thomas’s iconic Calculus and Analytic Geometry offered several generations of students a fascinating way to learn this wonderful subject. This edition is presented as “based on the original work by George B. Thomas, Jr. as revised by Maurice D. Weir and Joel Haas.” Comparing it to my thoroughly used copy was interesting.

As a student I heard talk of the alleged beauty of mathematics, but at the time I was too busy to notice, bogged down as I was with the demands of heavy class loads and the drudgery of part time jobs. Then I came across Thomas′s splendid passage on Newton’s famous solution to the brachistochrone problem and the related tautochrone problem. The treatment was so elegant that I experienced the great epiphany of suddenly seeing that Bertrand Russell’s words were true that “[m]athematics, rightly viewed, possess not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture.” In this superb new edition, the problem is presented much like in the 1951 edition, but the exposition is charmingly enhanced with additional material on the cycloid curve and color is added for superior clarity. The cycloid was also used by Christian Huygens in his pendulum clock, and is well explained in words and with nice illustrations. Like these examples, the rest of the book delights with its worked-out problems and figures.

In bringing Thomas to the 21st century, the new authors have included a variety of helpful material such as printed material and internet references; in addition, some of the exercises require software programs like Maple or Mathematica.

Further examples of the appearance of calculus in other areas are the remarkably accurate sine curve describing the weather over the course of the year in Fairbanks, Alaska, why the trachea constricts when an individual is coughing, the calculation of the optimum angle for kicking a field goal in football, why machines often break down when run at excessive speed, and even art forgery. Sociologists will enjoy the treatment of social diffusion. These are all real-life examples which serve to show the vast usefulness of our beloved subject. Calculus is fun stuff and learning it is all the more enjoyable with this book.


托马斯的代表作《微积分与解析几何》最早写于1951年,这是最为原始的版本,经过多年的不断修订,成为了引导学生学习微积分的经典有趣教材。今天我点评的这本书,是以托马斯的《微积分与解析几何》为原本,经过Maurice D. Weir和Joel Haas修订的版本。




点评人:Dennis W. Gordon(曾在韦恩州立大学和堪萨斯大学学习化学,并且在学术和工业研究领域拥有专业的职业,个人兴趣是数学)


资料整理和翻译:孙华铱  冯远航


Calculus: Early Transcendentals

作者:Jon Rogawski

出版商:Freeman, W. H. & Company





作者简介:Jon Rogawski在耶鲁大学获得了大学学士学位(并同时获得了数学硕士学位)。他在普林斯顿大学罗伯特·兰兰兹(Robert Langlands)的指导下攻读数学博士学位。在加入加州大学洛杉矶分校数学系之前,他曾在耶鲁大学和芝加哥大学任教,并在高级研究所和波恩大学担任过研究职务。Jon感兴趣的领域是数论和对半简单群的调和分析。他在领先的数学期刊上发表了许多研究文章。他是斯隆奖学金的获得者和《太平洋数学杂志》的编辑。



The most successful calculus book of its generation, Jon Rogawski's Calculus offers an ideal balance of formal precision and dedicated conceptual focus, helping students build strong computational skills while continually reinforcing the relevance of calculus to their future studies and their lives.

This is the early transcendentals version of a text that was reviewed here earlier. Most of what was said in that review applies to this book also. The main difference is that the logarithm and exponential functions are introduced much earlier in this version of the text.

The approach taken in this book is less radical than that. The authors define ax for rational x in the usual way (without bothering to prove the existence of n-th roots, of course), then extend the definition to irrational exponents using a limit argument (with at least some proofs). They then define the logarithm as the inverse function, and finally use the limit of (1+r/n)n to introduce the natural exponential function. (At this point of the text, not a word is said to justify that adjective!) The derivative of the logarithm function is obtained first, then the inverse function theorem is used to find the derivative of the exponential function.

This approach does have the advantage of introducing a serious example of the use of limits into what is usually a dreary chapter. (Until we meet the derivative, why do we care what the limit is?) I believe it is an improvement on the late transcendentals approach. But in the end I still have my doubts whether students are ready for this kind of analysis so early in the course.

For what it's worth, I would simply take for granted the existence of the logarithm and exponential functions and their basic properties. Then, using the definition of the derivative, it's fairly easy to prove that the derivative of ax is some constant times ax. Choosing the right value for a makes that constant equal to 1, which explains what is natural about ex . An analogous argument explains why we must use radian measure if we want the derivative of sin(x) to be cos(x) rather than a constant times cos(x). This seems both simpler and more illuminating, even if it hides the inherent trickiness of defining these functions. There's time for that in the analysis course.





资料整理和翻译:孙华铱  冯远航


Answer Book for Calculus

作者:Michael Spivak

出版商:Publish or Perish





作者简介:Michael David Spivak是一位专门研究微分几何的美国数学家, Spivak是五卷本《微分几何综合概论》的作者。 Spivak1964年在约翰·米尔诺(John Milnor)的指导下从普林斯顿大学博士学位。1985年,他获得Leroy P. Steele奖。Spivak在基础物理学方面作过演讲。



Spivak's classic Calculus book has many exercises - most of which are very difficult. You need to understand most of the problems (if not all) in the book in order to really understand calculus. This book includes not only detailed answers to the problems but tips on how one should approach them.

Primarily a hint book as another reviewer said, which I find is the best for keeping your brain in shape - the hard part about proofs isn't writing them, it's discovering them - if you had perfect answers, you'd never exercise your mind, which is a must for any class using Spivak's books. In some classes, seeing the answers will help you with the course, because you see the procedure, and copy it on similar problems. You can't do that with 'real' calculus, it's too in depth, hence the book provides less details, so that you perfect what is really important, the art of finding the proof yourself.You can find in this book solutions to all the problems (as far as I have checked) in the Calculus book, but some solutions are too terse and elegant to be of use to beginning students. Sometimes it is necessary to be more explicit so that students are reminded of theorems and not to take for granted that they have been mastered.

This book is a really great study aid to be used with Spivak's Calculus. Especially for students with professors that give a lot of theory and not a lot of examples. The answer book does not give all the answers outright, but gives many very good hints otherwise that can really shorten your search time.






资料整理和翻译:孙华铱  冯远航